Monday, July 23, 2018

Day 12

Day 12!

Today brought more hardships as Hudson and I battled our way through error after error. I worked on creating for loops that would splice new file names together from the given directories, and save the altered images to the new name. The method used to run through each folder within a folder does not save each image in the correct order. Due to this issue, we needed to create a way to correctly align each image to the correct white image. I attempted to create a for loop for this... First, I created two lists that held the wavelength numbers for both the images, and the corresponding white images. Then, I instantiated a variable within another for loop, which was running through the images wavelengths, called 'num.' Within the for loop, I created a while loop that said :

while i != whiteImagesWavelengths[num]:

Which would mean that the rest of the code would not run until the white images wavelength matches the actual images.

However, I am running into an issue with saving the images now. I keep getting an error that says the file directory I am trying to save to already exists - even when it didn't  before I ran the program. Hopefully, I will be able to resolve this issue tomorrow! I have a feeling I will be up all night thinking about it.

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