Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Day 8

Day 8!

Today, Hudson and I worked more towards creating the code that will correct the Lens Falloff. We ran into a lot of errors, and spent a large portion of the day googling for answers. I discovered that the website 'stack overflow' has a lot of good resources, but none that helped us. We are trying to divide one picture by another, which would eliminate the brightness, but I cannot find any answers to the issues that occur from our attempts because no one is asking questions about dividing two images. Even though our answer did not come from that website today, I do think that I will be visiting it in the future when I hit a brick wall. After working on fixing one error for a while, another trickier one would pop up to impede on our progress. Needless to say, the program is not done yet, but I think by tomorrow it will be! At least, I hope so.

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